Agenda for the 9th Working Week (18 November 2019–21 November 2019) of the 2nd Session of the Riigikogu Plenary Assembly

Monday, 18 November

1. Survey of the Government of the Republic on the stability supports granted by the European Stability Mechanism, and the participation of the Republic of Estonia in the European Stability Mechanism
Report by Martin Helme, Minister of Finance

2. Bill on Amendments to the Income Tax Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (106 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
First reading
Report by Martin Helme, Minister of Finance
Report by Aivar Kokk, Chairman of the Finance Committee

Tuesday, 19 November

1. Deliberation of the matter of significant national importance “Tax system – How to go on?” initiated by the Estonian Centre Party Faction
Report by Kersti Sarapuu, Chairman of the Estonian Centre Party Faction
Report by Dmitri Jegorov, Deputy Secretary General for Tax and Customs Policy, Ministry of Finance
Report by Indrek Neivelt, entrepreneur

2. Bill on Amendments to the Penal Code and Other Acts (transposition of the directive on the protection of the European Union’s financial interests, and the directive on the procedural rights of minors) (50 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Andrei Korobeinik, member of the Legal Affairs Committee

Wednesday, 20 November

1. Bill on Amendments to the Infectious Animal Disease Control Act, the State Fees Act, the Feed Act, the Food Act and the Veterinary Activities Organisation Act (90 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading

2. Bill on Amendments to § 61 of the State Pension Insurance Act (79 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Third reading

3. Bill on Amendments to the Military Service Act and Other Acts (59 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Urmas Espenberg, member of the Social Affairs Committee

4. Bill on Amendments to the Value Added Tax Act (76 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Aivar Kokk, Chairman of the Finance Committee

5. Bill on Amendments to the General Part of the Environmental Code Act and Other Acts (55 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Erki Savisaar, Chairman of the Environment Committee

6. Bill on Amendments to the Consular Act and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (44 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Enn Eesmaa, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee

7. Bill on Amendments to the Penal Code and Amendments to Other Associated Acts (fines arising from European Union law) (94 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
First reading
Report by Raivo Aeg, Minister of Justice
Report by Jaanus Karilaid, Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee

Thursday, 21 November

Oath of office of Kalev Saare, Justice of the Supreme Court

1. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Appointment of Juhan Sarv a Justice of the Supreme Court” (102 OE), submitted by Villu Kõve, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
First reading
Report by Paul Puustusmaa, Chairman of the Constitutional Committee
Report by Juhan Sarv, candidate for justice of the Supreme Court

2. Bill to Implement Regulation (EU) 2019/788 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Citizens’ Initiative (74 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Paul Puustusmaa, Chairman of the Constitutional Committee
On Monday, 18 November, after all items on the agenda have been discussed, the time for unscheduled statements begins, to continue until no further requests for the floor are made, but not longer than until 12 midnight.

On Wednesday, 20 November, from 12 noon to 2 p.m., Question Time takes place.
