The 8th Working Week (14 -17 March 2005)
of the 5th Session of the Riigikogu Plenary Assembly

Monday, 14 March

The sitting begins at 3 p.m.

Tuesday, 15 March

1. Overview of the situation in research and development activities and the Government?s policy in this sphere
Report by Prime Minister Juhan Parts

2. Bill on Amendments to § 2 of the Public and National Holidays Act and to § 25 of the Working and Rest Time Act (576 SE), initiated by the Estonian Centre Party Faction
First reading
Report by member of the Estonian Centre Party Faction Toivo Tootsen
Report by member of the Constitutional Committee Avo Üprus

Wednesday, 16 March

1. Bill on Amendments to the Social Welfare Act (534 SE), initiated by the Social Democratic Faction
Third reading

2. Bill on the Accession to the Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic Pollutants (556 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by member of the Environment Committee Küllo Arjakas

3. Bill on Amendments to the Family Law Act (528 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by member of the Legal Affairs Committee Reet Roos

4. Bill on Amendments to the Commercial Code (552 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee Väino Linde

5. Bill on Amendments to the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (383 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic
Second reading
Report by member of the Social Affairs Committee Nelli Kalikova

Thursday, 17 March

1. Flag of Estonia Bill (470 SE), initiated by the Constitutional Committee
Resumption of second reading
Report by Chairman of the Constitutional Committee Urmas Reinsalu

2. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu On the Formation of the Committee of Investigation to Ascertain the Circumstances related to the Export of Military Equipment from the Territory of the Republic of Estonia on the Ferry Estonia in 1994 (533 OE), initiated by the Estonian Centre Party Faction
Second reading
Report by Chairman of the Constitutional Committee Urmas Reinsalu

3. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu On Amendments to the Resolution of the Riigikogu On the Formation of the Estonian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (583 OE), submitted by the Estonian People’s Union Faction
First reading
Report by representative of the Estonian People’s Union Faction
Report by Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson

4. Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu on Amendments to the Resolution of the Riigikogu On the Formation of the Estonian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (586 OE), submitted by the Foreign Affairs Committee
First reading
Report by Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson

On Monday, 14 March, at 3 p.m., the microphone is open to unscheduled statements until no further requests for statements are made.

The Question Time takes place on Wednesday, 16 March from 1 to 2 p.m.
