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The Riigikogu passed at the second additional sitting today with 60 votes in favour (1 abstention) the Act on Amendments to the State Budget Act and the Riigikogu Rules of Procedure and Internal Rules Act (95 SE) which provides the possibility to grant a state guarantee also to a European Union Member State or a legal person in which European Union Member States have a majority holding. The Riigikogu may oblige the Government to request additional powers or provision of an opinion from the Riigikogu for making decisions relating to a guarantee granted by the Riigikogu. The amendment to the Riigikogu Rules of Procedure and Internal Rules Act provides that the Government submits, on its own initiative or at the request of the Riigikogu, the European Union Affairs Committee or the Foreign Affairs Committee, also other European Union affairs of significance to the Riigikogu for an opinion. The Act enters into force on the date following the date of publication in the Riigi Teataja

Thereafter, the Riigikogu continued the second reading of the draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Ensuring Performance of Obligations arising from the European Financial Stability Facility Framework Agreement and Amendments thereto” (90 OE), submitted by the Government, which had been adjourned at the regular sitting. The debate continued and motions to amend were reviewed.
On the motion of the Finance Committee, the second reading of the draft Resolution was suspended and the term for submission of motions to amend is today at 7.33 p.m. The third additional sitting will begin at 8.33 p.m.
The Riigikogu Press Service